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Automatic upgrade

This script performs a few steps to help people using Docker Compose to upgrade automatically. Rather than requiring lots of interactive work on the terminal, this just wraps up a bunch of best practices into one.


This removes any unused Docker containers at the end of the script. If that's not something you want, comment that section out.

Otherwise, this script:

  1. Runs the built-in backup script
  2. Stops the Docker containers using Docker Compose
  3. Pulls the new version of the Docker container
  4. Restart the container, outputting to a file, and shows it so you can ensure that it's running correctly
  5. Waits for user input to confirm if things are working
  6. If the user indicates everything is working, proceed to stop and restart the container in daemon mode
  7. Runs a Docker system prune to remove older versions of the container

# Define a file to capture docker compose output

# Define colors for printing headers
print_green() {
    echo -e "\033[1;92m$1\033[0m"

print_red() {
    echo -e "\033[0;31m$1\033[0m"

# 1) Run the backup script
print_green "Starting the backup process..."
docker exec paperless-webserver-1 document_exporter ../export
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    print_red "Backup process failed. Exiting..."
    exit 1

# 2) Stop the Docker containers using Docker Compose
print_green "Stopping Docker containers..."
sudo docker compose down
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    print_red "Error stopping containers. Exiting..."
    exit 1

# 3) Pull new versions of the Docker container
print_green "Pulling new versions of the Docker container..."
sudo docker compose pull
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    print_red "Error pulling new versions. Exiting..."
    exit 1

# 4) Restart the container, outputting to a file
print_green "Restarting the container and capturing output for the next 45 seconds..."
sudo docker compose up > "$DOCKER_OUTPUT_FILE" 2>&1 &

# Show the output of Docker for 45 seconds, via the log file
sleep 45
kill $TAIL_PID

# 5) Wait for user input to confirm if things are working
print_green "Please review the output above and check that Paperless-ngx is running as you expect. Enter 'y' if everything is working correctly, or any other key to stop."
read -p "Is everything working correctly? (y/n): " answer
if [ "$answer" != "y" ]; then
    print_red "User indicated a problem. Stopping the container in 30 seconds..."
    sudo docker compose down
    sleep 30
    kill $DOCKER_PID
    exit 1

# If the user indicates everything is working, proceed to stop and restart the container in daemon mode
print_green "Proceeding to restart the container in daemon mode..."
sudo docker compose down
wait $DOCKER_PID # Ensure the background process is terminated

# Now restart in daemon mode
sudo docker compose up -d

# 8) Run a Docker system prune to remove older versions of the container
print_green "Cleaning up unused Docker objects..."
docker system prune -f
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    print_red "Error pruning Docker system. Exiting..."
    exit 1

print_green "Process completed successfully."